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Staff profile

Claudia Kapp

Being in Amsterdam means Claudia is far from her native Peru but she had already spent time in Europe before joining the research team in Amsterdam. She recently returned to education and received her Master in Science and Master in Philosophy from the Panthéon Sorbonne Université in Paris. Read more

Staff profile

Andreas Guth

Andreas is a natural fit for his role in public affairs having been steeped in the world of the EU from an early age. He is German but born and raised in Brussels to parents who worked for European institutions. Read more


A Member's Outlook on the Industry

We asked an investor and fund manager to share their views on the role of Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) regulation in fund manager consolidation. Would it be a main driver for change or an additional factor for the market to consider? This section of IQ is another in a series of views on what’s happening in the industry today. It is written by an investor and a fund manager member who will remain anonymous. Read more

Staff profile

Casper Hesp

This article was written when Casper was INREV's Senior Research Manager, seconded to ANREV in Hong Kong. Casper is now  INREV's Director Research & Market Information in Amsterdam. Hong Kong’s hilly terrain is not the first place that you would expect a Dutch man to feel at home but Casper Hesp is one flatlander who enjoyed his time in this high-energy Asian city. Read more


Debt Capital's Effects on the Non-Listed Real Estate Funds Market

We asked an investor and fund manager to share their views on how debt capital continues to pose the highest risk and the greatest challenge for the non-listed real estate funds market. This section of IQ is another in a series of views on what’s happening in the industry today. This section is written by an  investor and a fund manager member who will remain anonymous. Read more

Staff profile

Jeff Rupp

INREV recently welcomed Jeff Rupp, who joined the staff as Director of Public Affairs. Jeff has worked for several years as a financial writer and editor and has a long association with INREV though writing articles and editing research reports. He has also been the editor of the INREV Quarterly since the beginning of last year. Read more


What's happening in the Industry

This section of IQ is the second in a series of views on what’s happening in the industry today. This section is written by an investor and a fund manager member who will remain anonymous. Read more

Young Professionals

Beginners Guide to Valuing Opportunity Funds

The Net Asset Value (NAV) of a non-listed real estate fund is the current value of its assets minus its liabilities, which is basically a snapshot of what a fund is theoretically worth at a given point in time. Although the principle sounds simple, in practice, there are no commonly applied standards for calculating this figure within the non-listed property funds industry. Read more

Staff profile

Matthias Thomas

Matthias Thomas arrived at INREV in mid-August 2010 to take over the role of Chief Executive Officer. In the nearly four months since then, he has been extremely busy on a variety of fronts as he has settled in to his new role. We recently had a chance to sit down with him in the INREV offices in the World Trade Center in Amsterdam to talk about how he’s enjoying the experience so far. Read more

Young Professionals

Secondary Market Basics

Liquidity is often quoted as a major deterrent to investors investing in non-listed real estate. The ability to exit a fund quickly and efficiently at any point in the life of a fund could be a solution, but at present it is rarely the reality. Read more