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Improving fee transparency

Transparency on fees is an important topic for investors so what can an analysis of total fee load for funds tell us? Maarten van der Spek explains Read more


Message from the CEO

As the industry gets back to business after the summer break, I’m pleased to report that we have gained momentum on a number of important priorities for the Association. Just before the summer, we held our first training course as well as a seminar at New York’s Harvard Club. Read more


Jewel in the sun: Annual Conference Barcelona 2013

INREV celebrates its tenth anniversary at its conference in Barcelona. Legendary pop singer, Freddie Mercury, described Barcelona as the “jewel in the sun” in his homage to the city. It was certainly a great setting for the 2013 Annual Conference - the eighth to date. The Conference featured a host of leading industry commentators all of whom offered thought-provoking contributions. Read more

Public affairs

Thinking Long-Term

Attention rarely stays fixed on a single issue for very long in Brussels. The AIFM Directive seem to have lost a sense of urgency as attention now shifts to national regulators and the future course of Solvency II remains a puzzle for both the real estate funds industry and for the policy makers developing the rules. In meantime, though, another topic has been pushed to the forefront. Read more


Refreshing the reporting guidelines

The INREV Reporting Committee is in the final stages of its review and update of the reporting guidelines. The main objectives of the review are to ensure that the reporting guidelines: Read more

Young Professionals

Joining the industrial revolution

Against the backdrop of economic uncertainty, institutional investors—including sovereign wealth funds—are increasingly attracted to logistics real estate for its long-term stability and relatively high direct returns. Read more


A fitting end

Liquidation or continuation continues to be at the heart of the debate about fund terminations. Here, our investor and fund manager give their views on what they think is important at the end of a fund’s life. Read more


Index joins INREV online tools

Members will be able to create sub-indices using the new analysis tool INREV has launched its Index Analysis Tool as the next addition to its suite of online industry data available to members. Read more


Back-testing Investment Intentions

The INREV Investment Intentions surveys are a good reflection of investor investment strategies but also highlight the difficulty of achieving planned capital deployments. At the recent London launch of the INREV Investment Intentions Survey 2013, members of the audience were curious to know how closely historical surveys had matched reality. In other words, did investors end up doing what they said they would? Read more

Staff profile

José Viqueira García

José Viqueira García joined the Association straight from the crisis. Before he started at INREV earlier this year in the role of Guidelines Project Manager, José worked in the team that marketed residential repossessions for Bank Santander in Spain. “It was a great job and I learnt a lot but it was also difficult knowing where the properties came from,” he said. Read more