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Member profile

Jeff Jacobson

Jeff Jacobson, Global CEO, LaSalle Investment Management, has seen several cycles come and go. There is, he says, increased investor appetite for real estate, but not all forms of investing in the asset class are viewed equally. Read more


Brede to Chair Public Affairs Committee

The INREV Public Affairs Committee has a new Chairman for 2013 with the appointment of Hauke Brede, Chief Risk Officer at Allianz Real Estate. Brede is already active in INREV’s public affairs activities. Read more


Training and Education Committee

With INREV’s courses becoming increasingly popular, the Training and Education Committee has been supporting their expansion into new locations as well as the addition of new topics. Read more


Message from the CEO

Welcome to the first edition of our new look IQ. The magazine still includes all the usual news and features to keep you updated on INREV’s activities but which are now presented in a much more accessible and contemporary style. Read more


Side By Side

Co-investment has always been put forward as an integral part of alignment but a maturing industry has shown that it is not a straightforward issue, as the Corporate Governance Committee explains. Co-investment in a fund is intended to provide investors with a mechanism to ensure fund managers are aligned during the ups and downs of the investing cycle. Simply put, investors want managers to have “skin in the game”. Read more


Will Pigs Fly?

In this edition we get our investor and fund manager’s views on whether the Southern European economies should remain a no-go zone or offer hidden treasures. Read more

Member profile

Timo Löyttyniemi

During his six years on the INREV Management Board, Timo Löyttyniemi, Managing Director of the State Pension Fund (VER), Finland, has seen INREV introduce a host of game-changing initiatives. IQ caught up with him as he approaches the end of his term on the INREV Management Board for his assessment of the impact the organisation has had on the industry. Read more

Staff profile

Lonneke Löwik

Lonneke Löwik, Director of Professional Standards, is gearing up for a busy year as the Association tackles the major task of revising the INREV Guidelines. And despite already having seven miniprojects underway as part of that project, Lonneke is looking forward to the challenge. Read more

Young Professionals

GIPS: Setting the Standards

With increased global capital flows and opportunities, the investment universe has become ever more complicated for investors to track and make decisions on whether one manager’s track record is better than another. One of INREV’s primary goals is to improve transparency, professionalism and best practices across the industry. Read more


On the Path to Global

Being local has always been one of the property industry’s main mantras. However, it is also the case that not being global enough could be hindering the progress of the non-listed property funds industry. Read more