Home / INREV Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQ)

INREV Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQ)

In today’s market, investors need to perform due diligence efficiently and effectively. Standardised instruments are becoming more necessary to keep pace with the current market, cope with multiple investors and understand global settings.​ The INREV Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) is a framework that allows investors to assess deals within a limited time frame while managing risks properly.

To encourage the standardisation of investor due diligence in non-listed real estate vehicles, the Due Diligence Committee continually reviews the DDQ. New versions reflect the feedback from INREV members during a two-month consultation period.​

An enhanced Debt DDQ and Funds of Funds and Multi Manager DDQ were published in November 2023. This was in alignment with the changes made to the standard DDQ, which was updated in January 2023. 

What is the DDQ?

The INREV DDQ provides a standardised and well-adopted framework, helping investors achieve a high level of scrutiny when entering a vehicle for the first time.​

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Latest publications and downloads

An enhanced Debt DDQ and Funds of Funds and Multi Manager DDQ were published in November 2023. This was in alignment with the changes made to the standard DDQ, which was updated in January 2023. Below are the latest versions of each DDQ template. 

Who should use the INREV DDQ?

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The INREV DDQ is the most widely used INREV template, with over 65% of INREV members reporting use in 2023 and 16% with plans to use the template in the next 2 years.

What members say


‘As an INREV DDQ committee member, I am delighted to have provided input to the INREV DDQ Guidance notes. As a manager, the guidance notes provide a clear, essential guide to the completion of all stages of the INREV DDQ thus allowing managers to provide and investors to review consistent and comprehensive responses. I’m pleased to acknowledge the enhanced consistency for investors and increasing efficiency for managers which the Guidance notes provide.’

Nioki Doggett, Director - Investor Relations Real Estate,
M&G Investments


'As an INREV DDQ committee member I am proud to contribute to the sector to be able to perform due diligence efficiently and effectively. I strongly believe that standardised instruments are becoming more necessary to cope with multiple investors and the wide universe of fund managers.​

The INREV Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) with supporting materials forms a framework that allows investors to do a consistent analysis on investment opportunities within a limited time. To encourage the standardisation of due diligence in non-listed real estate vehicles, the Due Diligence Committee continually reviews the DDQ and has recently released Guidance Notes for the enhanced and consistent completion of the DDQ.'

Yno van Haaster, Director, Multi Manager Solutions Alternatives,
Columbia Threadneedle