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Effective Due Diligence


Due diligence is the cornerstone of responsible investment decision-making and is an important process for both investors and investment managers. Due diligence also continues to evolve and this course addresses current issues and best practices in the due diligence process for non-listed real estate investments in the context of today's markets.

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The Attendance Fee is:
€750 for INREV members
€1000 for non-members.

If you are not an INREV member and wish to register, please contact INREV Academy.

course in class

1.1. This INREV training course is open to INREV members and non-members.  
1.2. For all attendees, the Membership Terms and Conditions fully apply. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any provisions of these course Terms and Conditions and the Membership Terms and Conditions, first these course Terms and Conditions and then the Membership Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
1.3. Attendees will hereinafter together be referred to as “Applicants”.
1.4. The costs of attending the training course (Attendance Fee) is €750 for members and €1000 for non-members.
1.5. Admission to this course is subject to registration and subsequent written confirmation of that registration by INREV. Please note that limited seats per organisation are available (limited to two seats per member organisation and one seat per non-member organisation).
1.6. All personal data provided to INREV by Applicants, during the application process or afterwards, will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Statement of INREV, which can be found on the INREV website.

Cancellation and attendance policy
2.1. After registration for the online course, cancellation is possible if that cancellation request is written to training@inrev.org before Friday 26 April 2024.
2.2 In case of a no-show the full course fee is due.
2.3 To deliver a successful course, active contribution is of huge importance and therefore we expect participants to attend all sessions live (incl. the break-out sessions and case studies). If you fail to attend a session, we are regrettably unable to grand you with the course Certificate of Attendance

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Learning goals

This INREV in-person course examines the investor’s due diligence process and selection criteria as well as how managers adapt to the changing needs of investors while managing the process efficiently. The course also takes a deep dive into specific topics related to ESG, legal due diligence, as well as the growing roles of risk management and operational due diligence.  The course is taught by leading industry players with an emphasis on group discussions. It also includes two case study discussions, which interlink across the course. 

The course will cover the following topics:

  • The latest developments, best practices and challenges in the due diligence process for investors and managers
  • Insights into investors' due diligence process, selection criteria and requirements
  • How to manage business, legal, and operational due diligence efficiently
  • How to evaluate key ESG factors, including practical approaches for due diligence
  • Identifying key risks as part of the risk management process
  • How INREV tools support an efficient due diligence process

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Have a good overview of due diligence best practices in the non-listed real estate industry for both investors and investment managers
  • Identify investors’ demands and key selection criteria
  • Understand current issues, including key elements of legal and regulatory implications and their impact on the due diligence process
  • Identify and understand the different risk items in the due diligence process in current markets and be able to propose solutions for these issues
  • Understand the increasing role of ESG-related factors and how to incorporate these in the process
  • Understand perspectives on portfolio management and operational due diligence
Target Audience

This course is aimed at young professionals in the early years of their careers within the non-listed real estate industry. This could include institutional investors who wish to improve their knowledge of the due diligence process and better understand the practical applications; investment managers who want to gain a better understanding of what investors are currently looking at during their selection process; and advisors who play a role in the due diligence process. To ensure that all attendees begin at the same level, participants are required to complete the INREV Introduction to Effective Due Diligence eLearning module prior to joining this course. 


Additional information

For this due diligence course, INREV has introduced a 60-minute eLearning module as a prerequisite for participation in the online course. This additional module will ensure everyone is at the same level before they undertake the more advanced course. The eLearning module Introduction to Effective Due Diligence will be made available for course participants via a link in the confirmation e-mail. 

This course is open to INREV members and non-members and counts towards the INREV Academy Certificate for Non-listed Real Estate Investments

Questions about training and education?

Please don't hesitate to contact us.