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Risk and reward: looking for a new style?

Market sentiment suggests that investors are ready to move up the risk spectrum. Here, our investor and fund manager give their views on whether core is going out of fashion in favour of value added and opportunity Read more


Debt Funds Universe adds to INREV industry data

Members can now analysis information on debt funds capital raising and investing in Europe with INREV’s new database Read more

Member profile

Noel Manns

Noel Manns, a founder of Europa Capital and member of the INREV Management Board, recognised early on the benefits of INREV membership for his firm. IQ met up with him to hear how he got involved and what he thinks INREV’s biggest contributions to the industry have been to date. Read more

Member profile

Angela Crawford-Ingle

As the INREV Guidelines goes through the final stages of its revision, one person that has been instrumental in providing expertise and continuity is Angela Crawford-Ingle. Angela was one of the original chairs of the INREV Reporting Committee and her accumulated experience of the INREV Guidelines through that committee as well as the INREV training courses, has made her an important part of the team through their revision. Read more

Staff profile

Johlyn da Prato

If you ever wondered how INREV spreads the word through the industry, then the responsibility lies at the feet of Johlyn da Prato, Marketing Communications Manager. Johlyn makes sure that members are aware of the benefits that INREV membership offers and promotes INREV as the voice of the non-listed real estate to the wider industry. Read more


Research Committee update

The INREV Research Committee is looking at the fundamentals of the industry with a major project on the benefits of non-listed property funds Read more

Public affairs

Shifting Gears on AIFMD

After years of roundtables, public consultations, proposed guidelines and draft implementing measures that INREV and the Public Affairs Committee extensively participated in, reviewed and commented on, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive(AIFMD) finally came into effect this summer. From one day to the next, non-listed real estate became a largely regulated industry. Read more

View from Asia

Korean Investors

A survey shows that Korean investors will take a mature approach globally and extend their reach beyond the major cities The market has heard and talked a lot about the potential for South Korean investment in Asia and beyond. Therefore, it is good to be able to put some numbers to the one of the most important investing trends in the region, and it is satisfying that the results match the market’s expectations. Read more


Young Professionals Gather in Rome

In June, the annual INREV Young Professionals Seminar was held for the sixth time. This one and a half day event allows young professionals in the non-listed real estate industry to experience, learn and broaden their knowledge and to meet their peers to gain new perspectives on the industry. Read more


Towards the new INREV Guidelines

With the white paper of the revised INREV Guidelines for members’ consultation due to be published in September, we look at the different components of the project and the progress made in the last 18 months Read more