Welcome to the Governance Assessment

What's included in this section

  1. Act lawfully and ethically
  2. Act in the best interests of investors and consider other stakeholders
  3. Act with skill, care and diligence
  4. Design and operate an adequate oversight and control framework
  5. Be transparent while respecting confidentiality considerations
  6. Be accountable
  7. Be sustainable: Evaluate and manage sustainability impacts

Benchmark your vehicle against industry best practice and determine its level of compliance with the INREV Guidelines.

The assessment follows the INREV Guidelines and allows you to identify the level of compliance which is in line with industry best practices.

Vehicle managers should therefore be able to assess where on the spectrum their own vehicle's governance sits.​

If you have any questions please contact the Professional Standards team under professional.standards@inrev.org or phone +31 (0)20 235 8600.