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Capital expenditure and performance: the case of Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA  

Last updated on 26 Feb 2020

There is increasing interest to better understand the performance between capital expenditure (cap-ex) and performance.

INREV’s latest academic research shows that high levels of cap-ex tends to have a more positive and significant impact on performance.

There are significant variations in levels of cap-ex, and the impact is greater in the UK and the USA than in Germany and the Netherlands. Offices tend to benefit from cap-ex in Germany and Netherlands, while it is a drag on future performance in the UK and USA.

The research looks at the case of Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.

Funds of Funds Study 2015  

Last updated on 20 Nov 2017

The study provides an overview of the fund of funds industry globally, including insights by target region, by style and structure and other associated characteristics, as well as analysis of the performance of funds of funds.

This study has been conducted since 2007.  Since 2015 the study has been carried out with ANREV.

Risk Management Under AIFMD Webinar - en français  

Last updated on 23 Nov 2017

La Directive AIFM, qui est entrée en vigueur le 22 juillet 2014, concerne directement l'industrie immobilière non cotée en bourse. La plupart des gestionnaires de fonds actifs dans l'UE doivent  être autorisés par un État membre et respecter les exigences notamment liées à la gestion, au marketing, à la notification, en utilisant les dépositaires et autres tiers, et à la gestion des risques.

Ce webinaire dirigé par Etienne Wagner, Head of Compliance - Internal Controls and Risks chez AEW Europe, mettre l'accent sur la gestion des risques en vertu de la Directive AIFM et couvre les sujets suivants:

  • L'impact de la Directive AIFM et de nouvelles exigences liées à la gestion des fonds immobiliers non cotés
  • Les procédures de gestion des risques
  • Les meilleures pratiques et des enseignements tirés douze mois après l’entrée en vigueur de la Directive AIFM

'Deep Green' facilities at Bentley Works  

Last updated on 14 Dec 2018

Skanska used the redevelopment of the Bentley Works factory to set the standard for future undertakings.

Bentley Works is 7.5 ha site for engineering, manufacturing and servicing which has been redeveloped into a state-of-the-art facility. Skanska used the project to create a new standard and developed an internal rating system with 'Deep Green' as the highest rating. Achieving net zero primary energy, zero waste, zero hazardous materials and net zero water, Bentley Works went beyond the minimum requirements of Deep Green.

Prepared by Skanska and INREV

Shadow Banking - INREV response to EBA shadow banking consultation paper  

Last updated on 16 Nov 2017

In a response to the EBA’s consultation paper on Shadow Banking filed on 18 June, INREV argued against the proposal to include all AIFs in the definition of shadow banking.

Building on work carried out by the Financial Stability Board, the European Banking Authority (EBA) is creating a set of policy recommendations and proposes to define shadow banks as entities which present sufficient unknown risks that it is justifiable to restrict the exposure of mainstream banks to that part of the financial system. These include activities carried out by many in the asset management industry, including real estate investment funds. The EBA’s consultation paper suggests that all AIFs should be treated as shadow banking entities.

Debt Investment Strategies Webinar 2015  

Last updated on 23 Nov 2017

As debt continues to evolve as a viable investment strategy for investors through direct and indirect approaches, this webinar, led by Isabelle Scemama, Head of Funds Group ar AXA REIM provides French-speaking INREV members with an update on the new debt investment strategies.

Investor Perspectives on Indirect Real Estate Liquidity  

Last updated on 21 Nov 2017

This study focuses on the liquidity needs and requirements of investors who invest in indirect real estate. The aims of the study are to identify how investors define liquidity, discover the importance they ascribe to liquidity when compared to other investment considerations and explore the factors that influence their liquidity needs. Furthermore, the study examines investor views on the drivers of indirect real estate liquidity and their perspectives on the liquidity of indirect real estate vehicles, with a particular focus on closed end and open end real estate funds. Preferred secondary market transaction methodologies are also examined. Finally, investor suggestions for changes to the indirect real estate market which could enhance liquidity are discussed.

Fund Manager Survey 2015  

Last updated on 13 Dec 2023

This survey looks at total real estate assets under management (AUM) of fund managers active in the non-listed real estate fund industry globally.
The full survey lists the Top 50 Fund Managers by total real estate AUM, non-listed real estate vehicles under management broken down by region and by non-listed real estate funds under management broken down by region.

This survey has been conducted annually since 2012.  Since 2015, the survey has been global in scope, thanks to the involvement of ANREV and NCREIF.

Reporting Benefits of the Standard Data Delivery Sheet Webinar  

Last updated on 19 Mar 2019

Through this session, led by Maurits Cammeraat, Director of Professional Standards, and Mustafa Chenti, European Fund Coordinator you will gain a solid understanding of the technicalities of the sheet, its potentialities and functionalities.