Chapter 1


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Dear INREV Members

This letter not only marks the opening of the Annual Report 2022 where we look back on the achievements and progress made over the past year, but it also marks one year of my Chairmanship of the association. Despite another year of turbulence and disruption, I am proud to say that INREV has taken this in its stride and achieved some remarkable milestones and successes.

ESG has continued to be a strong item on everyone’s agenda given its continued significance in all areas of real estate. INREV has continued to keep members informed by sharing insights on net zero carbon, DEI, impact investing and ESG trends through papers, events and case studies. INREV also kept members updated on the landmark SFDR and other important sustainability regulations, as well as directly engaging with the regulators in representing the best interests of the industry. ESG is set to become only more prominent and INREV's role in ensuring a well-informed membership will stand us in good stead in creating a future proofed industry.

On the topic of ‘future-proof’, a major review of the INREV Guidelines was initiated in 2021 which will ensure that the modules and standardised templates are updated to reflect the current trends in the market and better serve our members who use them to enhance transparency and strive for best practice.

I never fail to be surprised by the sheer level of activity that this small team can deliver and I’m very proud of the exceptional effort that they have put into the past year, especially in ensuring a continued smooth transition to a fully online environment. This transition has helped all INREV members to continue being able to access the latest insights, training opportunities and events – from senior level members who attended a fully online annual conference in April, to the Young Professional Cohort who attended online link and learn events to stay connected to the industry and their peers.

Another promising sign for not only INREV but for the industry is the net growth of 12 members to our industry association in 2021, bringing the end of year total to 478 members. This underlines the need to stick together in these times of turbulence and somewhat uncertainty, and also faith in INREV as a dependable and reliable community to be a part of.

I would like to thank all INREV members for their continued support, and a thank you is also extended to Lonneke and the INREV team for their commitment in ensuring a strong and robust membership organisation fit for the industry of the future.

Martin Lemke