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Primonial REIM opens an office in London and appoints a new investor services team in the UK

In the context of the continued international expansion of its activities, Primonial REIM today announced the opening of its London office and the hire of Sandra Burrows as Head of Primonial REIM UK.
As part of its ongoing development strategy to widen its coverage of international markets, Primonial REIM has opened a new office in London. Having already set up an office in Singapore, at the end of 2021, Primonial REIM is now physically present in London, another major global financial centre.
The London team will mainly be responsible, at this stage, for ongoing client relations and investor services. Operational from 1st April 2022, this new team will support Primonial REIM’s existing teams, in order to provide international investors with a broad range of services while ensuring full compliance with local financial regulation. 

The new entity will be jointly led by Stéphane Marguier, who joined Primonial REIM in January 2022 as Head of International Business Development and who is also a Managing Director of Primonial REIM UK, and Sandra Burrows, who is a Managing Director and Head of the London office. Sandra Burrows, who joined Primonial REIM in April 2022 from Corestate Capital Group, will oversee investor services and reports to Stéphane Marguier, who is based in Paris. The full team in London includes 3 professionals and will be strengthened, going forward, with the hire of a Sales Managing Director (UK and Northern European clients) scheduled for summer 2022. 

Source: Priomorialreim.com on the 12th of April 2022
https://www.primonialreim.com/documents/249808332/0/PR+London+office+per cent281per cent29.pdf/3762715e-97a7-16ec-90d5-040db46a1947?t=1649743352721