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Nick Tyrrell Prize Winning Paper 2020  

Last updated on 13 Dec 2023

In 2020 the Nick Tyrrell Research Prize has been awarded to joint authors Jean-Christophe Delfim and Prof. Martin Hoesli of the Geneva School of Economics and Management University of Geneva, for their paper, 'Real Estate in Mixed-Asset Portfolios for Various Investment Horizons’

Technology Seminar 2020  

Last updated on 27 Nov 2020

Finance and Operations Seminar 2020  

Last updated on 24 Nov 2020

During the Finance and Operations Seminar 2020 we were joined by Bo Holse Rasmussen, NREP, Markus Gaebel, Swiss Life Asset Managers, Andrew Muscat, LaSalle Global Partner Solutions and Renaud Breyer, EY. 

Advanced Tax Round Table 2020  

Last updated on 04 Nov 2020

Cinzia Alcidi, Head of Economic Policy Unit, CEPS discuss the economic outlook and the tax policy implications of the COVID-19 crisis, and Richard van der Linden, PwC presents a closer look at recent tax developments in Europe including ATAD II’s hybrid mismatch, DAC 6, use and management of tax havens, and more.

Impact Investing Seminar 2020  

Last updated on 04 Nov 2020

Industry experts discussed the importance and drivers of impact investing, looked at how to measure and report and identify the key challenges faced when looking for suitable impact products. 

Code Paris - Social Case Study EQT 2020  

Last updated on 16 Oct 2020

Code, located in Paris CBD was a major redevelopment from a car park into a Grade A office with a strong focus on sustainability certifications and occupier health and wellbeing. Several sustainability and health and wellbeing certifications were achieved upon completion.

Prepared by EQT

Allee Center Leipzig - Social Case Study EQT 2020  

Last updated on 16 Oct 2020

Allee Center, located in Leipzig (Germany) is a daily needs shopping destination and community hub in the district. Indoor and outdoor greenery, water features and biophilic elements enhance the visitor experience. Active engagement with community groups and charities as well as holding community events have ensured strong links with the local community.

Prepared by EQT