INREV Membership is at a corporate level, meaning that, with one membership countless employees can take advantage of the benefits. Membership is divided into the following categories:
Open to participants in the European non-listed real estate investment industry. These include institutional investors*, investment managers, investment banks and fund of funds/multi-managers, as well as service providers, such as outsourcers, consultants, accountants and lawyers. Full members have the right to vote during INREV’s general meetings.
* An Introductory membership fee for pension funds and insurance companies which qualify as institutional investors.
Open to non-profit research institutions and universities. Academic members may participate in committees and other INREV activities and events but cannot vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Net INREV membership grew by 19 members in 2019 to a total of 472, with 42 new members and 23 cancellations. Cancellations mainly resulted from mergers, strategic refocusing of businesses and reduced usage of the membership due to internal changes. Of the 472 members at the end of 2019, 426 are full members and 28 academic members spread over 33 countries. An up-to-date list of members is provided at the end of this report.
Investor support continued to be a key mandate in 2019 resulting in 104 investor members at the end of 2019, made up of 87 investors and 17 fund of funds/multi managers. This represents an investor ratio of 22%.
Membership composition in 2019 was comparable to that of the previous seven years.
The largest group of new members were domiciled in the UK, 12. Switzerland and Germany followed, with 4 and 3 new members, respectively. Of the total new members in 2019, 19% were non-EU members.
In 2019 our 472 corporate members were represented by more than 5000 individuals, who play an important role in the delivery of services to our members by responding to surveys, attending seminars, workshops and meetings.