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Nick Tyrrell Research Prize

The Nick Tyrrell Research Prize was established in 2011 by INREV, the IPF and SPR, to acknowledge innovative and high quality, applied research in real estate investment.

The Nick Tyrrell Research Prize was established in 2011 to acknowledge innovative and high quality, applied research in real estate investment. The Prize is in memory of the work and industry contribution of Nick Tyrrell, who passed away in August 2010. Nick Tyrrell was Head of Research and Strategy and a Managing Director in J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s European real estate division. His research work was characterised by a combination of academic rigour and practical relevance.

The Prize includes a cash prize of £2,000, the opportunity to present and discuss the paper at a seminar organised by the sponsoring organisations and the inclusion of the article (or a summary thereof) in one or more of the sponsoring organisations’ publications. The Prize is funded by the Nick Tyrrell Memorial Fund, which is supported by the three sponsoring organisations.

The Prize is currently managed by Iryna Pylypchuk, Director of Research and Market Information, INREV and Dr Paul Kennedy.

The 2022 judging panel is comprised of Dr. Alexandra Krystalogianni (Avison Young) (Chair), Andrew Smith (Hearthstone Investments Plc), Dr Russell Chaplin (Intrinsic Value Real Estate Advisors), Mahdi Mokrane (PATRIZIA AG) and Prof. Simon Stevenson (Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University).

*Deadline extended*
You are invited to submit a paper for the 2022 prize. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2022.

There is also the Nick Tyrrell Under 35 Research Prize, to allow the Judges to recognise work by younger members of the research community.  In order to qualify for this award all authors should be below the age of 35 on the closing date for submissions (i.e. 31st May 2022).  
In addition to a cash prize of £2,000 (£1,000 for the under 35 award), the winners will receive publicity from the three sponsoring organisations.   
All submissions and queries should be made through the secretariat for the Prize, at nicktyrrellprize@inrev.org stating any involvement or sponsorship by third parties and/or whether the paper has been submitted for other prizes. 

Prize Guidelines

Questions about Nick Tyrrell Research Prize?

Please don't hesitate to contact us.