04 Feb 2025
Global real estate allocations align closer to targets globally
The current global average allocation, weighted by AUM, is 8.7%, just below the 9.0% target. European investors now meet their 9.4% target after two years of overallocations. North American investors remain slightly underallocated despite a 10.4% allocation, the highest globally. Asia-Pacific investors report the largest underallocation, though the gap has narrowed significantly from previous years.
• Appetite for high-risk strategies remains strong, but core strategies
regain traction.
• UK and Germany remain the top two most preferred locations for
investment, with Spain replacing France in third place.
• Residential and industrial/logistics dominate sector preferences, while
student accommodation emerges in third with a strong 67% preference.
• Sustainability remains a priority, but most investors are aiming for post-
2040 timelines.