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ESG Conference 2024 highlights

The INREV ESG Conference 2024 was held in the energetic city of Amsterdam on 27 June. Over 170 industry players gathered to hear the latest environmental, social and governance issues in non-listed real estate investments, centred around the theme of ‘Shaping tomorrow: driving change through ESG’. 

Visit the highlights page below to get the key takeaways of each session, review the presentations and see photos from the event.

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We want to thank everyone for making the INREV ESG Conference 2024 an outstanding success. A special thank you to our sponsors for their loyal support, and our deepest gratitude to our dedicated guest experts for sharing their insights and expertise. Lastly, our sincere thanks to our conference moderator, Shuen Chan, for guiding the event with such professionalism and grace.

We hope to see you all at another INREV event soon.