Home / News / Industry News / Amro buys London retail park from Legal & General for £400 million residential-led project

Amro buys London retail park from Legal & General for £400 million residential-led project

European residential real estate investor Amro Partners has acquired a retail park in UK’s capital for a £400 million (€465.9 million) residential-led landmark development.  

Amro has invested an unspecified amount to buy Lewisham Retail Park in South East London from Legal & General for the project which will comprise 1,000 new residential homes, forming one of the final major pieces of the 20-year Lewisham regeneration plan.  

Over the last 18 months, Amro has acquired various adjoining land holdings from a number of private landowners, concluding with the acquisition of the Lewisham Retail Park site and remaining land holdings from Legal & General, Amro said. 

Source: realassets.ipe.com on the 16th of May, 2024 