The INREV Vehicle Universe features 536 vehicles with a total gross asset value (GAV) of €470.3 billion. The total GAV of the Universe increased by 3.3% from last quarter.
Highlights include:
- A total of 10 new vehicles were added to the Universe since last quarter, whilst 21 liquidated vehicles were removed. Of the new additions, 3 vehicles have been launched in 2022.
- The 13 vehicles launched in 2021 and including a target GAV in the strategy, have an intended combined size of €8.5 billion, of which €2.9 billion (34%) had already been deployed by Q2 2022.
- The average GAV of multi sector vehicles is €1.0 billion, approximately 1.4 times the size of the average single sector equivalent (€739.3 million).
- Despite the weak historical performance of traditional retail, the sector numbers 79 vehicles; the largest single representation in the Universe
View detailed analysis via the INREV Vehicles Universe Analysis Tool or download the PDF and Excel below.
INREV Vehicles Universe
Last updated on 07 Mar 2023