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Higher returns for recently launched vehicles

Vehicles with a year of first closing between 2014 and 2016 posted the strongest performance, according with Q2 2020 IRR index.

Key highlights of the Q2 2020 IRR:

  • This quarter's IRR Index is comprised of 107 core and 102 non-core vehicles
  • Funds with first closing in 2018 turned negative IRRs in the second quarter of 2020
  • Single sector strategy funds launched between 2014 and 2016 showed higher IRRs on both a pooled and an equally weighted basis
  • Older vintage vehicles displayed narrower spread in IRR than younger vintage vehicles

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INREV Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Quarterly Index  

Last updated on 11 Jun 2024

The IRR Index measures the since inception internal rate of return performance of European closed end non-listed real estate vehicles. Performance is measured net of fees and costs, and is computed on both a pooled return basis and an equally weighted basis.