The Global Investor Index was launched in 2016 and is now published once a year. The Global Investor Index is an unfrozen index which means that historical data can change with future updates. The history of the Index starts in 2005 but due to confidentiality constraints, most data can only be shown from 2007.
Global Investor Index
The Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index enables investors across the world to track and compare their performance with their peers. The index covers activity in all major real estate sectors, regions and the four main routes to real estate investment – listed, non-listed, direct and commercial real estate debt.
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Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index
Last updated on 05 Oct 2022
A detailed report is available to data contributors only, to access the report please contact
Calculation methodology
Two sets of performance metrics are collected – performance reported to beneficiaries and local currency performance. Aggregate performance is calculated on investment value weighted basis and equally weighted (arithmetic average) basis.
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INREV Index Guide 2019
Last updated on 21 Feb 2025
This guide provides a detailed overview of INREV’s suite of indices and their specific characteristics.
Data collection
Data is collected by the INREV Market Information team directly using the Excel questionnaire.
The Index results are based on data that is provided to INREV directly by investors. Data collection starts immediately at year end for a period of up to 6 months after year end.
INREV does not use publicly available information, and both members and non-members can provide data for the Index.
How is data confidentiality be managed?
INREV does not disclose or share any investor performance data received or calculated. INREV only uses performance data in a composite, where the investors are not identifiable. A minimum number of 3 investors is required to display performance and the share of an individual investor cannot exceed 65% of the index.
1. What is the Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index?
The Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index measures the annual performance of investors in all the regions across the main routes to real estate investment – listed, non-listed, direct and commercial real estate debt.
2. Do you have to be an INREV member to be part of the index?
Data contribution to the Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index is on a voluntary basis, both INREV members and non-members can provide data for this Index.
3. Who can join the Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index?
Investors with investments in real estate that want to join the Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index can contact
No fees are requested to participate in the Index.
4. Can we see the individual Investors data in your platform?
No. Performance data is only available in an aggregate format. Individual investor’s data and performance are never disclosed and cannot be accessed by any external party.
Index specifications
1. What are the criteria for Global Investor Index inclusion?
Any investor with investments in any real estate route can join the Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index.
2. Is the index frozen or unfrozen?
The Global Investor Index is an unfrozen index which means that historical data can change with future updates. The history of the Index starts in 2005, but due to confidentiality constraints, most data can only be shown from 2007.
3. Can this index be used for derivatives?
The Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index cannot be used for derivatives.
4. What type of data are the index results based on?
The Index results are based on data that is provided to INREV directly by investors. Data collection starts immediately after a year has ended for a period of up to 6 months. INREV does not use publicly available information, and both members and non-members can provide data for the Index.
5. What happens when a member stops contributing data, would their fund data remain in the index?
When a member stops contributing their data to the Index, this data will remain in the Index ending at the last date of contribution. As with other INREV indices, the historical data will be kept in the index to ensure continuity.
6. What is the frequency of data reported in this index?
Global Investor Real Estate Performance Index includes only annual figures.
7. What are the confidentiality rules for this index?
A minimum number of 3 investors are required to display performance and the share of an individual investor cannot exceed 65% of the index.
8. What is done regarding currency conversion when calculating returns?
Reported values in different currencies are converted to EUR using the respective year-end exchange rates.
9. Does INREV collect historical data?
INREV encourages investors to provide historical and current data of their investments. The INREV Market Information team can support and facilitate historical data collection. To provide data, please contact
10. When should we provide and update the data?
Data collection starts immediately after a year has ended for a period of up to 6 months.
11. When was the Index launched and when does the data date back up to?
The Index was launched in 2016 and is now published once a year.
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