Non-listed real estate debt funds have grown in prominence in recent years and the potential to expand information on debt funds is huge.
With your help we can significantly expand the INREV Debt Funds Universe to create a market universe that can be truly representative of the debt funds market allowing for greater transparency, comparability and market comparisons for the European non-listed debt funds industry.
If you have a debt fund and would be willing to contribute data, we’d be happy to hear from you.
INREV, together with the Debt Funds focus group have already taken strides in supporting the market by developing debt-fund specific definitions, performing a review of the INREV Guidelines and drafting an appendix to the DDQ due for launch this year. But, the project is not yet complete and the next stage is focused on improving transparency and comparability with the aim to expand market information on debt funds, develop debt funds metrics and fund performance indicators.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact research@inrev.org