Home / News / INREV News / September INREV Consensus Indicator reaches 55.8, marking third consecutive improvement

September INREV Consensus Indicator reaches 55.8, marking third consecutive improvement

The September INREV Consensus Indicator stood at 55.8, marking a third consecutive quarterly improvement since surpassing the 50 mark in March 2024. 

Key highlights include:

  • At 55.8, the latest results show a notable increase from the 53.6 reported in June, confirming the European non-listed real estate market recovery.
  • Four out of the five subindicators have shown positive momentum in September. Leasing and operations is the only subindicator to deteriorate, declining from 58.9 in June to 56.3 in September.
  • The investment liquidity subindicator saw the most significant uptick for the second consecutive quarter, reaching 59.5 in September. It is a notable turnaround from 32.0 a year earlier. At 49.7, new development remains the weakest and the only subindicator in the sub-50 territory, albeit consistently improving since December 2023.

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