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New IQ blog and case study: A flood risk modelling tool for real estate

As the evidence of climate change continues to build, real estate investors are increasingly conscious of the environmental risks threatening their property portfolios. In response, the European Commission has funded REACHOUT, a project to standardise climate risk assessments for real estate. 

A key initiative under REACHOUT is the development of the ‘Real Estate Asset Climate Testing (REACT) Tool,’ a flood risk tool providing real estate professionals with a transparent approach, using open and freely available data to understand and evaluate flood risk exposure in European real estate portfolios.

In our newest IQ blog, we interview Thijs Endendijk, the developer of the tool from the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) from VU Amsterdam, and Lucas Wouters, Responsible Investment specialist at APG, one of the first organisations to actively test REACT. 

Read the full blog below or dive into APG’s case study for more details.

Read the IQ blog