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March 2021 Market Insights show signs of recovery and renewed investor confidence

The latest release of the INREV Market Insights series reflects a strong year end as both the INREV Fund Level and INREV Asset Level Indices show improved Q4 total returns. 

Key highlights:
-    Almost all geographies posted positive total returns in Q4, with Germany maintaining the lead 
-    Industrial/logistics posted the strongest quarterly and annual total return among all sectors of 5.50% and 10.75%, respectively.
-    The application of material uncertainty clauses decreased to 18%, the lowest level since the start of the survey in May 2020.
-    No suspended funds were reported in Q4 2020 compared to a peak of 22 in June 2020.

Download the Market insights March 2021 report and the COVID-19 Sentiment and Valuation Survey Q4 2020 Infographics

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