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The latest INREV Market Insights reveal sustained strong performance in Q3 2021

Pan-European non-listed real estate returns reached 3.21% on an asset level and 2.84% on a fund level, slightly higher compared to their respective strong Q2 2021 performance.

Key highlights:

  • A broad-based improvement in performance across Europe, with all major geographies reporting healthy total returns and an acceleration in capital growth 
  • With a fifth consecutive quarter of improved performance, the UK delivered a 4.28% asset level total return, the strongest quarterly performance since Q2 2014. The retail sector also surprised on an upside, with capital growth back in the positive territory for the first time since Q2 2018. 
  • The INREV Quarterly Sentiment Survey reflected participants’ confidence in the UK, Germany and France, but a gradual return of sentiment towards southern European markets is also notable, particularly towards Spain. It was also the first time that net sentiment towards increasing industrial/logistics allocations turned negative.
  • And while a majority of investors and investment managers retain a positive outlook on the short term pan-European performance, at the same time 38% of the respondents perceive increased investment risks

Download the Market Insights December 2021 report and the INREV Sentiment and Valuation Survey Q3 2021 Infographics.

If you would like to learn more, join the Market Insights briefing on 11 January at 15:00 CET.
