Home / News / INREV News / The INREV Vehicles Universe includes 578 vehicles in Q2 2024

The INREV Vehicles Universe includes 578 vehicles in Q2 2024

In Q2 2024, the INREV Vehicles Universe included 578 vehicles with a total gross asset value (GAV) of €472.9 billion. 

  • The traditional property sectors, industrial/logistics, office, residential and retail, account for 87% of the single-sector vehicles in the Universe by GAV. 
  • Ten vehicles were launched in 2022 and five in 2023 but only two new vehicles have been added in 2024. 
  • 296 funds follow a single-country strategy, of which 75% focus on the four main geographies. The Germany-focused funds have the largest representation in the Universe amongst single country-focused funds, at 36%.  
  • Industrial/logistics represents only 12% by number of all single sector vehicles but it constitutes 28% by GAV. 

The Q2 release of the INREV Vehicle Universe expanded with 10 new vehicles. Some of the recently added funds include: 

  • Capman Real Estate: CapMan Social Real Estate Fund 
  • Swiss Life Asset Managers (FM): Swiss Life Real Estate Funds (LUX) S.A. SICAV-SIF – ESG European Healthcare, Swiss Life REF (LUX) SICAV-SIF - ESG European Hotel Fund & Swiss Life REF (LUX) ESG German Core Real Estate SCS, SICAV-SIF 

View detailed analysis via the INREV Vehicles Universe Analysis Tool or download the infographic below.