In Q1 2024, the INREV Vehicles Universe included 575 vehicles with a total gross asset value (GAV) of €470.1 billion.
- The traditional property sectors industrial/logistics, office, residential and retail account for 87% of the single sector vehicles in the Universe by GAV.
- Nine new vehicles were launched in 2022 but only two new vehicles have been launched in 2023.
- Among the 297 funds that follow a single country strategy, 75% focus on the four main geographies. Funds focused on Germany have the largest representation within this category, making up 35% of the single country focused funds.
- Industrial/logistics represents only 12% of all single sector vehicles by number, but 28% by GAV.
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INREV Vehicles Universe - Direct Vehicles Europe
Last updated on 05 Mar 2025
INREV releases a quarterly overview of the key characteristics of all non-listed real estate vehicles in Europe. The data is taken from INREV's vehicles database.