Did you know the Global Definitions Database (GDD) is the most frequently visited page on the INREV website? Your peers are using it regularly, are you?
The most searched-for terms are related to valuation, such as Net Initial Yield and Reversionary Yield. Explanations of debt and fee terms are also highly searched for, such as Loan to Value (LTV) and Performance Fee.
INREV, ANREV, NCREIF and PREA are continually adding terms to this database on a wide variety of topics from ESG to capital activity. Today the database has over 500 definitions. Here are four new terms that have been recently added:
The GDD provides the industry with one unique depositary of definitions that help increase transparency, align the industry globally and broaden everyone’s understanding of the industry.
Visit the GDD today to make sure you’re aligned with the latest definitions.
View the GDD