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Early signs of impact on fund performance 

During the first two quarters of 2020, INREV canvassed views from the membership to assess the dynamics and business-oriented implications for the industry. A questionnaire on the impact of COVID-19 on valuations was issued in Q1 followed by a sentiment survey issued in May 2020. Results of the questionnaire and the sentiment survey have been used to produce a snapshot of Market Insights for members.

Key insights include:

  • Increased uncertainty affects day-to-day business including current and future rent collection, new transactions and the effect on valuations
  • The focus has shifted to existing business relations, outsourcing, and a heavier reliance on opinion son local partners
  • A continued lack of market transaction evidence may lead to a prolonged period of pricing uncertainty in the market

You can download the snapshot below. If you have any questions, please contact Richard.buytendijk@inrev.org 
