We understand that increased access to reliable data is crucial in today’s market. In January 2023, we included the Asset Level Index in the annual membership package, meaning that members no longer needed a separate subscription.
Today we are taking that one step further and increasing accessibility to the Asset Level Index analysis tool. This is the latest step forward in the evolution of INREV’s analysis tools and indices, bringing members more powerful analysis and insight.
Going forward:
- Members who do not contribute data will have partial, high-level access to the Asset Level Analysis tool, which includes country and sector analysis. This means you can create your own bespoke analysis using only country or sector functionality, as well as compare two subsets of the index using the comparison mode. There are a diverse range of filters for you to choose from. For example, you can compare the performance of UK assets with German assets or compare the strength of office assets vis-à-vis residential assets. This new benefit gives you a glimpse into the capabilities of the comprehensive Asset level analysis tool.
- All investor and fund of fund manager members will have full access to the Asset Level Analysis tool, meaning they can craft tailor-made indices and compare selections of assets or market segment[1]-specific sectors or across the broader market landscape. The tool allows enhanced analysis across different characteristics, including asset size, asset life cycle and occupancy rate, to name a few. Dive deep into data-driven insights that will reshape the way you approach investment strategy.
We hope you enjoy your increased access to asset-level data.
Try it now
While testing out the tool, don’t miss the latest Q2 2023 report on the Pan-European Quarterly Asset Level Index.
If you are an investment manager and want deeper analytics and breakdowns after having had a flavour of what’s in store, reach out to research@inrev.org to start contributing data today.
[1] Subject to meeting confidentiality criteria