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Quadreal and Précis Capital embark on €1.1 billion development debt deal

Global real estate investor Quadreal has acquired an interest in real estate development lending platform Précis Capital Partners, inking a commitment to deploy up to €1.1 billion into its development loans. TowerBrook, Précis Capital’s founding institutional shareholder, retains a significant shareholding. Précis Capital is concurrently rebranding as Precede Capital Partners.

Since its launch in March 2021, Precede Capital (then Précis Capital) has originated and arranged loans totalling £1.5 billion to finance the construction of residential properties in the UK. 

This new partnership with QuadReal is expected to further enhance the opportunity to provide whole loan financing solutions. With the new investment, Precede Capital expects to arrange an additional £3 billion+ of loans through capital structuring via syndication and leverage. 

Source: https://propertyeu.info/Nieuws/Quadreal-and-Prcis-Capital-embark-on-1-1b-development-debt-deal/ee2b2584-9b4b-42d4-9a71-f601bcf7c38b, on 12.01.2023