Home / News / Industry News / Heimstaden to sell off bulk of Dutch rental properties as macro pressures bite

Heimstaden to sell off bulk of Dutch rental properties as macro pressures bite

Swedish residential investor Heimstaden plans to sell 12,000 of its 13,500 rental homes in the Netherlands in response to the tough economic climate and government plans to further regulate rental prices. 

The company, which entered the Dutch market in 2018 and struck a €1.4 billion portfolio deal a year later, has confirmed local media reports that it is seeking to dispose of 2,500 homes over the next two years. 

Heimstaden said the move was aimed at keeping the company ‘financially strong’ and enabling it to grow in the future, including in the Netherlands. 

It denied reports the disposal plan was motivated by an urgent need for capital, with ratings agencies Fitch and S&P looking to downgrade the company’s BBB credit rating, as suggested by Dutch financial daily Het Financieele Dagblad.

Source: propertyeu.info on the 9th of October 2023
