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Grosvenor kicks off €136 million resi debt strategy

UK property group Grosvenor has announced the creation of a £120 million (€136 million) residential development debt strategy. Led by the investment team in its UK property business, the strategy will further diversify Grosvenor’s £800 million regional investment portfolio, by financing projects across a broad range of residential tenures. Its first transaction, a senior loan facility of £33 million to DWS Group, is supporting the delivery of 316 homes to rent in Bath. Grosvenor will make funding available to developers bringing forward a range of residential-led projects, including market sale, build to rent, affordable housing, student housing and senior living, providing loans up to £30 million per transaction. In line with Grosvenor’s commitments, funding will support projects with strong social and sustainability credentials.

Source: https://propertyeu.info/Nieuws/Grosvenor-kicks-off-136m-resi-debt-strategy/44ffd680-e369-4415-89f7-456164d905a6, on 13 April 2023