Home / News / Industry News / Commerz Real and Bosch Building Technologies cooperate at data platform for digital building management

Commerz Real and Bosch Building Technologies cooperate at data platform for digital building management

Commerz Real and Bosch Building Technologies want to advance the digital building management together and are cooperating on a new data platform that Bosch Building Technologies will launch via its subsidiary Susteco on October 1. The platform adresses all players in the real estate sector and is intended to support a sustainable and value-enhancing management of real estate portfolios by centralizing all building and consumption data. 
The technical development of the platform was conducted by Bosch Building Technologies/Susteco, while Commerz Real provided information about operational requirements and user needs from the real estate industry. Among other buildings, the application was piloted and further developed in the Galaxy Tower in Vienna, a high-rise building of the open-ended real estate fund Hausinvest. All building and consumption data were recorded, interconnected and analyzed. 

Source: commerzreal.com on the 27th of September 2023 
