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Catella energy positive fund picks up French tower

The Catella Elithis Energy Positive Fund (CEEPF) has acquired a 64-apartment project in Mulhouse, north-eastern France, to be developed by its partner Elithis Groupe, the French sustainable engineering company. The real estate investment vehicle focuses on residential developments which produce more energy from renewable sources than is used by the buildings and tenants. The low-carbon energy-efficient Elithis Towers produce energy from solar panels on the roofs and facades.

CEEPF invests as a ‘dark green’ Article 9 impact fund, under the EU’s Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Source: https://propertyeu.info/Nieuws/Catella-energy-positive-fund-picks-up-French-tower/af483487-cd01-4ed7-918f-18e9f9947eb2, on 23.02.2023