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Catella acquires sustainable logistics property in Breda

Catella Real Estate AG (CREAG), in cooperation with Catella Investment Management Benelux (CIMB), is acquiring a sustainable logistics property in the Treeport business centre in Rijsbergen, south of the Dutch city of Breda, for the special AIF "Catella Logistik Deutschland Plus" (CLD+). 

The seller is Poppelaars Properties. Tierra Outdoor is a tenant in the property. The other rental units are leased to the 3PL companies Oostvogels Logistics (part of the Neele-Vat Group) and Kennis Transport & Logistics.

Source: https://europe-re.com/catella-acquires-sustainable-logistics-property-in-breda-nl/73103 on 14.06.2024