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Amundi raises €150 million so far for next RE debt fund

Amundi, the European asset manager, is a quarter of the way towards its €600 million target for Amundi Commercial Real Estate Loans II (ACREL II), the second vintage of its senior European real estate lending fund. So far, the company has raised €150 million for the follow up to ACREL I, which raised €443 million from leading European institutional investors and built a diversified, portfolio. For the new vehicle, Amundo is investing in major economies of the euro zone, with a focus on sectors that have ‘demonstrated resilience in a volatile and uncertain environment’, such as premium office space, logistics and managed residential properties. It will lend primarily to property-backed debt with Core or Core+* quality risk profiles, with what it described as a ‘carefully managed Value Add*component’ as an additional performance lever.

Source: https://propertyeu.info/Nieuws/Amundi-raises-150m-so-far-for-next-RE-debt-fund/0d7d6639-a2f1-4510-b83a-e7cd412a3dd6, on 23.02.2023