Strongest European fund performance since Q2 2022
Find out what factors yielded these results in the latest INREV Quarterly Index report
INREV's market information is a reliable source of accurate and comprehensive data on the non-listed real estate industry. Our market information suite – indices, vehicles universes and online interactive analysis tools – support all aspects of the real estate investment process, from asset allocation to performance measurement. They allow peer-to-peer and market comparison to further increase transparency and accessibility for the non-listed real estate industry.
Our market suite includes 7 indices to track the performance of the market, 3 analysis tools for a deeper analysis of the market, and 3 vehicles universes that capture the market landscape.
We are also developing an asset level index to further develop global market information to support peer-to-peer comparison.
Cooperation is necessary to ensure our market information is representative of the whole industry. Please provide vehicle data at
INREV members have access to our three index analysis tools which let members slice and dice to make their own tailored indices.
INREV members have access to the INREV Index (Annual and Quarterly), global indices (GREFI and Global Investor), German Index (Annual and Quarterly) and the IRR Index.
INREV vehicle databases (universes) include information on whether the vehicle is open for investment and key vehicle characteristics such as strategy, size, style, structure and domicile. It does not contain vehicle performance information.
Please don't hesitate to contact us.
Director of Research and Market Information