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INREV / GRESB Sustainability Report 2012  

Last updated on 13 Dec 2023

The European non-listed property funds industry is laying the groundwork for an improved focus on sustainability. This report takes GRESB's data on non-listed real estate funds and analyses their sustainability performance, with a particular focus on European funds, to provide more tailored information and guidance to our members on this topic.

As part of its commitment to supporting its members to improve their sustainability efforts, INREV is a partner in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), a global consortium of institutional investors and real estate industry associations committed to assessing the sustainability performance of real estate portfolios. One of GRESB’s main initiatives is its annual survey, which provides focus and direction for the real estate sector by benchmarking sustainability performance. The results provide an overview of sustainability activities and trends in global real estate for both the public and private sector.