INREV Standard Data Delivery Sheet (SDDS)
Last updated on 22 Feb 2025
The multitude of data formats used in the market can mean inefficient data handling and administrative overload. Since its first release in 2012, the Standard Data Delivery Sheet (SDDS) has helped by providing a common reporting format for investment managers and investors to exchange information. This creates uniformity, transparency and operational efficiencies between both parties.
The sheet’s latest update, SDDS 4.0, is aligned with the latest industry developments and changing investor needs, to ensure it remains practical and useful in today’s market.
INREV has also introduced the ESG SDDS, a brand new ESG reporting template designed to standardise the disclosure reporting of ESG Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for real estate investment vehicles.
Keen to learn more? Watch the briefing on how to practically implement the SDDS and ESG SDDS.
If you would like to access the unprotected version of the SDDS, please send your request to
View the video below to hear how CBRE Investment Management use the INREV SDDS and how this has streamlined their reporting process.