Staff profile

Elizabeth Kalinaki, INREV Data Scientist

A world of Data

For the first INREV IQ Staff profile of 2021, we wanted to introduce the INREV community to Elizabeth Kalinaki, INREV’s Data Scientist who already joined the data team of the IT department at INREV just over 2 years ago. Elizabeth hit the ground running and joined the team shortly after INREV embarked on the ‘IT Roadmap’, a major programme for the association to create a fully integrated data platform with an underlying data warehouse.

Elizabeth who originally hails from Uganda brings a robust knowledge from different industries, countries and academia which gives her the experience to shift between different realities. It was during a project for the European Union where she was benchmarking European cities that Elizabeth’s passion for data science was really ignited. ‘At INREV, my main focus from day one has been the data warehouse which is a core component of the IT Roadmap programme.

Elizabeth who originally hails from Uganda brings a robust knowledge from different industries, countries and academia which gives her the experience to shift between different realities

The data warehouse basically harmonises existing market information and research data that INREV has been collecting for over 17 years – since its inception, into one central location enabling us to connect various data sets, old and new. The data warehouse will ultimately enable the Research and Market Information (RMI) team, and members going forward, to conduct deeper analysis bringing further transparency to the non-listed real estate industry.’ Shares Elizabeth. ‘What I really like about my role in this project is that it allows me to work with data in many ways - from architecting solutions along the data pipeline to its analytics, there’s never a dull day!’ She continues, ‘The data warehouse project has been built from the ground up and the strategic value this will have for our members is immense.’

The data warehouse will ultimately enable the Research and Market Information (RMI) team, and members going forward, to conduct deeper analysis bringing further transparency to the non-listed real estate industry

Another large aspect of Elizabeth’s role is concerned with onboarding INREV’s Research and Market Information team to use Power BI, which is an established analytics tool that will act as the bridge between the data in the data warehouse and the teams analytical needs. This business intelligence tool has the potential to help the team to fully leverage this great repository of data, to realise deeper, new, and more granular insights of INREV data in a totally customised way and to enable them to build custom analyses. This is why it was so important to link together the vast quantity of data that INREV has built up over the years.

‘With these new skills in place the team will have more time on their hands to produce deeper analyses and respond even quicker to member enquiries’, tells Elizabeth, ‘So it’s a win/win situation’.

Feel free to contact Elizabeth at

You can read more about the IT Roadmap project here