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Hello, and welcome to the summer edition of IQ magazine. After a great AGM and Annual Conference, there is a huge amount going on with INREV right now. Read more

View from Asia

ANREV membership grows, scope widens

ANREV membership grows as the organisation widens its scope across the region ANREV had a good year in 2014, continuing to grow its membership base and to meet its objectives of improving transparency and best practices in the Asia Pacific region. We were delighted to secure our 200th member - this was a milestone for us as an industry association, and we remain focussed on building on this growth in 2015. Read more


Forging the road ahead

The coming year promises to be as busy as ever for INREV’s committees, which play a vital role in helping the organisation achieve its goals. There’s a full agenda for INREV’s committees and their members in 2015 -  with issues such as performance measurement, sustainability and liquidity among those that will be addressed over the coming months. Here’s a overview of the committees’ work and key projects. Read more


Reality bites

INREV’s Investment Intentions surveys reveal as much about the difficulties of deploying capital as they do about future strategies. Just how accurate a picture of the year to come does the INREV Investment Intentions Survey provide? Simon Mallinson, Executive Managing Director, EMEA & APAC at Real Capital Analytics investigates the data. Read more


A view from above

Real estate remains top pick for investors worldwide, reveals the latest Investment Intentions Survey Global perspectives on investments trends are crucial, as the real estate industry increasingly operates across a worldwide network, and one that is expanding by the day. Read more

Young Professionals

Governance in the time of exuberance

Hard lessons must be remembered as the good times roll, writes Roger Barris Real estate allocations are up - again. Discretionary funds are the preferred route to market, replacing joint ventures and club deals. And risk is back in fashion, with opportunity and value added funds now comprising over half of investor intentions after years in the minority.  Read more

Staff profile

Annisa Dian Prima

Annisa Dian Prima is one of the newest members of the INREV Research and Market Information team, joining the organisation in August 2014 on the completion of her PhD in Real Estate. In her first few months as Senior Research Manager, Annisa has learned just how different research can be from that of her student days at University of Reading. Read more


Redemption quest

Is the industry facing a liquidity crisis? Investors believe  so, according to the latest Investment Intentions Survey. Two experts explore whether they're correct. INVESTOR VIEWPOINT To me this outcome is surprising, not because of the liquidity issue itself but because of this being an issue at this point in the cycle. Read more

Member profile

Bernhard Berg

Honorary INREV board member Bernhard Berg talks about his hopes for the organisation as Asian investors settle in Europe Read more

Public affairs

Policymakers get serious about property

The new leadership in Brussels engages in how the real estate industry can support Europe’s financial recovery. Momentum in Brussels has been building over the past months after the European Commission and Parliament finalised their internal organisation structures and filled remaining leadership positions. Read more