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Member profile

Stafford Biddulph

IQ recently caught up with Stafford Biddulph, the incoming Chair of the INREV Performance Measurement Committee. Stafford, who is Head of Performance at Rockspring Property Investment Managers LLP, began his working life in accountancy and moved into the real estate business in 1998. Read more


Tax in the spotlight

It’s not too much of an exaggeration to say that, until just a few years ago, tax considerations for non-listed real estate vehicles were limited to optimising the tax efficiency of the investment structures – in effect, minimising tax leakage. Read more


What’s your vintage?

Having grown up in the Baltic States, where beer is the dominant brew, I’ve come to appreciate wine rather late in the day. It was during my gap year in the US that I discovered the intricacies of wine tasting, and though still partial to the occasional pint of lager, each passing year finds me relishing wine more and more. Read more


What’s in a number?

At present there is much debate about the best method for pricing open end funds, and in particular what works best for investors. Despite this, there has not been extensive research on this topic until recently. Read more

Market Information

A new approach to measuring real estate risk

Real estate is playing an increasingly important role in investors’ portfolios. Between 2004 and 2016, the share of pension funds’ real estate investments grew from 3.4% to 9.0% (approximately $242.1 billion) of total assets globally (1). Read more

Staff profile

Jared Sammet

Jared Sammet spoke to IQ recently about his role as Professional Standards Associate and his work on Global Definitions and Guidelines Assessments Read more

Young Professionals

A clearer window on non-listed real estate

INREV’s website is one of the main ways our members and the wider investment industry learn about key trends in non-listed real estate and INREV’s role in supporting them. It’s essential to refresh the website regularly and improve its look and flow, so we’ve been working over the past year with member focus groups, staff, consultants and vendors to bring it up to date. Read more


A view from the US

In September, INREV held its fifth annual North American Conference in New York, with over 125 attendees. Building on the theme ‘Europe on your doorstep,’ the conference investigated the prospects for European real estate markets and discussed where and how US investors might want to invest in the continent. Read more

Market Information

Taming the tide of data

We are all familiar with escalating demands for data. The databases of real estate fund providers are being asked to meet an evergrowing list of requirements, at shorter and shorter time intervals. Read more

Market Information

EU Benchmark Regulation

The EU Benchmark Regulation (EU 2016 /1011) imposes new requirements on firms that provide, contribute to or use a wide range of interest rate, currency, securities and other indices, including real estate indices. Read more