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INREV Annual Conference 2018 Dublin

INREV celebrated its 15th Anniversary at this year’s Annual Conference in Dublin. Around 450 delegates were welcomed with sparkly lanyards and umbrellas, both to celebrate the good times and prepare our industry for the stormy times ahead. Read more


Tailoring the INREV Guidelines for vehicle types

INREV‘s guidelines are one of its most valuable resources – an integrated set of principles and recommendations for the non-listed industry, which can be used throughout the lifetime of a real estate investment vehicle. The INREV Guidelines encourage consistency, allow peer-to- peer comparisons and promote market transparency. Read more


Advancing the ESG agenda

The INREV Sustainability Committee has been in place since 2014, but is now really gearing up its activities as Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) considerations take centre stage in our industry. Here’s a taste of what it is doing. Read more

Young Professionals

Fees and expense metrics

As the European non-listed real estate sector has expanded over the past 15 years, the demand for greater transparency on vehicle management fees and costs has grown. And with investors taking an increasingly global approach toward holding non-listed vehicles, the desire to compare fees and costs across regions has also escalated. Read more

Staff profile

Claudia Kapp

IQ magazine recently caught up with Claudia Kapp, INREV’s new Member Relationship Manager. Read more


INREV training course on residential

On 24th May, I had the pleasure of chairing INREV’s first course oriented around a particular sector of the real estate universe, which focused on the rise of residential, writes Rob Martin. From a day of great sessions, this phrase particularly stuck with me: All real estate is local, and that is even more true of residential. Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels

Here in Brussels, the major topic of conversation during the last few months has been the upcoming European elections, and interest is only expected to intensify during the months ahead. The vote for the new European Parliament will be held throughout the EU from 23 to 26 May 2019. As these will be the first elections post Brexit, the newly elected Parliament will proceed without UK representation in the EU. Read more


Your data matters

INREV takes the privacy of its members’ data very seriously. Like most organisations, we fall under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on 25 May, 2018. This regulation overhauled data protection and privacy rules in the EU. Read more


Welcome - July 2018

It’s been an insightful first half of the year, as we work on the vision and direction of INREV. We will focus our plans for INREV’s future as a true European organisation within an increasingly global context. Read more


360 Degree Vision

This year INREV celebrates its 15th anniversary. We have achieved a great deal over this period, including global research, a suite of indices, industry guidelines and standards, a full programme of events and training. Read more