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Sector focus

Europe’s housing crisis: call for institutional capital

 Across Europe, access to decent quality housing that offers security of tenure at the right price is becoming harder and harder for many people. Both central government policy and local planning pragmatism are key to establishing the foundations of a more stable environment. There’s also a significant opportunity for real estate investors to make a meaningful contribution. Read more


INREV Guidelines: A Powerful framework for consistency

To a large extent, the INREV Guidelines underpin the entire purpose of the association. IQ caught up with Mike Hornsby, senior independent advisor and former member of INREV's Management Board and John Ravoisin from PWC, who is currently on INREV's Management Board, for their thoughts on the evolution of one of the most important aspects of the association’s work over the last 20 years.  Read more


Taxing questions

Right from the start, INREV recognised that taxation was a key issue for non-listed real estate vehicles. Since those early days, the organisation has looked to keep its members informed of the evolution of tax regimes across Europe and globally, given that these can have big implications for how vehicles are structured and for investors’ due diligence. Read more


Alphabet Soup

As every newcomer to the world of laws and regulations learns, the very first challenge is to learn a new language: the 'alphabet soup' of regulation. Policy makes love nothing more than to adopt new rules with usually long names that are then shortened into an acronym that Brussels or London insiders use as a way to distinguish who’s 'in' and who’s 'out' of the concentric circles of stakeholders. Read more


20 years of INREV

In 2023 INREV will celebrate its 20th anniversary.  IQ takes a brief look at the journey so far and points to the road ahead. When a handful of investors and fund managers established INREV in 2003, the European non-listed real estate investment industry was in its infancy.   Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels and London

In the wake of Brexit, UK policy makers have been reviewing EU rules on their books with a view toward making the UK a more attractive fund and investment manager domicile. As a result, in the past year we have seen a number of policy initiatives coming from the UK as they review and update their regulatory approach to the financial sector, including the real estate sector.  Read more


The right time for a harmonised EU-UK fund vehicle

The tax world as we know it is going through (yet) another life cycle change Read more


INREV Website Redesign

INREV instigated the website redesign in response to members’ feedback, particularly the membership survey undertaken in 2020 and member user testing completed in 2021. A huge thanks to all the twenty members who participated in the card sorting activities and the one-to-one interviews helping us to work out what was intuitive and how and where we could improve the user experience.   Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels

Although policy makers in Brussels are currently busy with high profile legislative proposals on AIFMD, the use of shell entities for tax purposes and the European Long-Term Investment Fund, ELTIF, they’re also busy with another issue that you might think had been forgotten - Solvency II. Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels

Over most of the past two years, the Public Affairs and Tax Committees and the Brussels-based Public Affairs team have been kept busy with a stream, or sometimes more accurately a torrent, of regulatory and tax consultations. These consultations are a required step in the process of developing new regulations and tax measures and are designed to get public input into policy proposals before they’re adopted in final form.  Read more