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ESG and Climate Regulations

ESG is at the top of major issues transforming the real estate investment industry in Europe. Read more

Member profile

Mike Hasselgren, NREP

For the first time, in this edition, IQ spoke to one of its Young Professional members about how their career in non-listed real estate is progressing and the ways INREV is helping them to move forward. Read more

Sector focus

The rise of life science

IQ recently spoke to John O’Driscoll, European Head of Transactions at AXA IM Alts about life sciences real estate, a sector that is gaining increasing favour among investors. Read more


Non-listed real estate performance: Asset to Fund Level

INREV is reporting on both asset and fund level performance with the INREV Asset Level Index measuring the unlevered performance of properties, portfolios, and national markets and INREV Fund Indices measuring the performance of unlisted real estate investment funds. Read more


Lifting the lid on AUM

Recently, the collaborative forces of INREV, ANREV and the NCREIF/PREA Reporting Standards completed a deep dive into assets under management (AUM). The exercise revealed some intriguing insights and IQ has delved into the latest chapter in the ever-evolving story of one of real estate’s key financial metrics. Read more


A Clearer Lens on Investor Reporting

Easy access to regular valuation, financing and cash flow information on a vehicle in a standard structure has helped advance the professionalism and further transparency in thenon-listed real estate industry. From its relatively opaque state ten years ago, the industry is now in a much clearer position with regard to the structure of holdings and how their performance is evolving over time.  Read more


Future-proofing the INREV Guidelines

The INREV Guidelines sit at the core of the Professional Standards programme. The last major revision was carried out between 2012–2014. Over time, several adjustments or expansions were performed, driven by:  Read more


Measuring Liquidity in Direct Real Estate Markets

At times of dislocation, whether that is the recent pandemic, the UK’s vote to leave the European Union or going back to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), property market liquidity is of great concern to investors and managers. The direct real estate market is inherently illiquid when compared to equities or bonds; however, within that context of illiquidity, some property markets are undoubtedly more liquid than others.  Read more

Staff profile

Staff Profile

IQ recently caught up with Claudia Kapp, Director of Member Relations – our well-known contact person for all of our 460 member organisations. Claudia is responsible for the membership application process, ensuring that potential members are well informed of the benefits to being part of the INREV community. And, once membership is confirmed, Claudia remains the point of contact. Read more

Public affairs

Letter from Brussels

The European Commission report on AIFMD that was released in August of last year concluded that AIFMD is working well and only fine tuning of certain provisions is needed. Since then, policy makers in Brussels publicly identified five priority areas that they want to focus on in a targeted revision. Read more