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Taxing questions

Right from the start, INREV recognised that taxation was a key issue for non-listed real estate vehicles. Since those early days, the organisation has looked to keep its members informed of the evolution of tax regimes across Europe and globally, given that these can have big implications for how vehicles are structured and for investors’ due diligence. Read more


Non-listed real estate

Over the last two decades real estate has played an increasingly important role in the portfolios of institutional investors. From attractive risk-adjusted performance to diversification potential in a multi-asset portfolio, its desirable investment attributes have only increased as the asset class has grown. Read more


Data, the currency of tomorrow

IQ spoke to Katie Smith, Head of Analytics at CBRE Investment Management, for her insights on data in the non-listed real estate market. Read more


Alphabet Soup

As every newcomer to the world of laws and regulations learns, the very first challenge is to learn a new language: the 'alphabet soup' of regulation. Policy makes love nothing more than to adopt new rules with usually long names that are then shortened into an acronym that Brussels or London insiders use as a way to distinguish who’s 'in' and who’s 'out' of the concentric circles of stakeholders. Read more



In April 2023 INREV celebrates its 20th anniversary, and this important milestone gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and achievements. In this special edition of IQ magazine, we invite you to join us on a journey through the last 20 years and beyond, exploring where we’ve come from, where we are now, and where we could be heading.  Read more


Data driven investments

INREV has recently published a paper introducing data-driven investment, the first of three that will be written on the topic. But, what does data-driven investment mean in practice? Read more


Does European property offer inflation protection?

The war in Ukraine and the resulting energy crisis has brought a higher interest rate and inflation environment back to Europe. With high inflation seemingly a historical phenomenon, many of the younger market participants are experiencing and learning how to adjust their decisions in a high inflationary environment for the very first time.   Read more

Young Professionals

The changing skillset of real estate

A successful career in real estate is built on human connections. And despite fresh memories of lockdown and the rise of AI, this is unlikely to change any time soon. Real estate is still a relationship industry. But since the institutionalisation of the asset class in the 1990s, the real estate skillset has developed and become more specialised.  Read more


The INREV Asset Level Index

In 2019, INREV launched the first edition of the Asset Level Index, following three years of consultation and development. As per the initial predictions of some of the Index’s early adopters, it has radically improved transparency of the European non-listed real estate market. Read more


Storm clouds gathering? Inflation and high-interest rates

Paul Kennedy, Managing Director, Portfolio Manager, Global Alternatives, J.P. Morgan Asset management discussed the outlook for inflation, interest rates and what does it mean for main asset classes at the INREV Autumn conference in Marseille. Read more