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Investor Advisory Council

The Investor Advisory Council is a group that advises the CEO on current issues affecting the industry in Europe. This helps improve the quality and standards of non-listed real estate vehicles, making them more attractive to global investors. INREV also holds several investor-only events where investor members can discuss and address issues openly and honestly, without any potential conflicts of interest.

Investor Advisory Council

The Investor Advisory Council introduces new ideas and initiatives to INREV for the benefit of all members. One of the council’s aims is to increase participation in INREV’s activities by investors, so that we better represent all investors needs. The Council has a rotating membership, and currently includes the following members:

Alberto Agazzi (Chair)Generali Real Estate S.p.A.Italy
Jerome BerenzPIMCO Prime Real Estate Germany
Stan BertramPGGMThe Netherlands
Paul ClarkAustralian SuperUnited Kingdom
Amilcar GrotAchmea Investment Management BVThe Netherlands 
Thomas KallenbrunnenGARBEGermany
Minna MerilainenCNP Assurances SAFrance
Paola PrioniPensimo ManagementSwitzerland
Mads RudePATRIZIA Global Partners A/SDenmark
Sandra SchaapStichting Pensioenfonds HoogovensThe Netherlands 
Arto TuunanenKevaFinland
Manuel WormerBayerische VersorgungskammerGermany

Who qualifies as an investor member?

INREV Investor Members shall include investors whose role is to invest directly into non-listed real estate vehicles on their own account or on behalf of their clients, to include:

  • Pension Funds
  • Life Insurance Funds;
  • Insurance Companies
  • Sovereign Wealth Funds
  • Family Offices / High Net Worth Individuals
  • Charities / Endowment
  • Any other organisation approved by INREV in its absolute discretion

Join INREV as an Investor Member


An investor member may be an organisation or a division of a broader organisation. INREV sometimes organises individual events for its members that are specific to the type of investor organisation – e.g. for multi managers, fund of funds managers or other investors. There are certain criteria that apply for investor membership:


An investor member’s function can be demonstrated to be organisationally separate from any fund management, advisory, capital raising or other activities that could potentially give rise to a conflict of interest with other INREV Investor Members. 

Any delegate appointed by the Investment Manager as the representative for its separate Investor membership or Investor Member organisation to participate in the Investor Advisory Council and/or Investor Only Events may be required to self-certify (and provide evidence to INREV, if required) that their principal role is that of an investor and that they are organisationally separate from any fund management or equity raising activity.

INREV Investor Members are entitled to join Investor Only events, sit on the Investor Advisory Council and have access to Investor Only restricted areas of the website. 

INREV may choose to organise individual events for its members based on the type of investor organisation, i.e., for multi managers, fund of funds managers or other investors.

How does it work in practice?

Let’s look at a hypothetical example: Organisation A is carrying out organisationally separate investment management activities within its subsidiary AA and organisationally separate fund of funds management activities in its subsidiary AB. 

Case 1

Organisation A applies for INREV membership, it will be regarded as an Investment Manager member; staff of subsidiary AA may participate in events targeted at Investment Managers Only, while investor staff of subsidiary AB may not participate in Investor Only events or Investment Manager Only events and will not qualify to join the Investor Advisory Council or have access to Investor Only restricted areas of the website.

Case 2

Organisation AA applies for INREV membership, it will be regarded as an Investment Manager member; staff of organisation AA may participate in events targeted at Investment Managers Only. Investor staff of organisation AB may not participate in Investor Only events or Investment Manager Only event and will not qualify to join the Investor Advisory Council or have access to Investor Only restricted areas of the website.

Case 3

Organisation AB applies for INREV membership. If AB wants to be regarded as Investor or Fund of fund/ Multi manager member then only staff of organisation AB may participate in Investor Only events, join the Investor Advisory Council or have access to Investor Only restricted areas of the website. Organisation AA does not have Investment Manager membership; therefore, staff of organisation AA may not participate as member representatives in events targeted at Investment Managers Only or join the Fund Managers Advisory Council. 

Case 4

Organisation AA and AB apply for separate INREV memberships. AA will be regarded as a Investment Manager member; staff of organisation AA may participate as member representatives in events targeted at Investment Managers only or join the Fund Managers Advisory Council. AB will be regarded as an Investor or Fund of fund/ Multi manager member, only staff of organisation AB may participate in Investor Only events, join the Investor Advisory Council or have access to Investor only restricted areas of the website.