Posing a question that is front and mind for many of us, Ron Keller asked: How will the war in Ukraine influence the process of globalisation?
Nearly two thirds (63%) of those attending believed that the Ukraine/Russia conflict will lead to global markets becoming more fragmented and the shortening of supply chains. While that prediction is likely true, Ron also argued that it would lead to several other negative consequences, including the re-emergence of geopolitical blocks and the end of globalisation as we know it today.
But what can we do to ease the tensions with Russia, and do we have any hope of bridging the political relationship?
Ron argued that to understand the present and assess the future, the first thing we need to do is look at history. Previously, we ‘made mistakes’ by simply punishing the losers of conflict. We do not know how the conflict will end but we can learn from history to not repeat the same mistakes.
Bridging these geopolitical relationships is important as without cooperation from every nation, we cannot tackle the global challenges facing our planet.