Capital distribution
Also known as return of capital, it is the amount of capital returned to investors in accordance with the vehicle documentation. Along with capital distribution, there are other t ...
Also known as return of capital, it is the amount of capital returned to investors in accordance with the vehicle documentation. Along with capital distribution, there are other t ...
The amount of operating cash flow or gains that are distributed to the investors in accordance with the vehicle documentation. Along with income distribution, there are other typ ...
Any arrangement where investors are prohibited from requesting a redemption and/or transfer of their interests as outlined in the vehicle documentation.
The period of time where a lock-up is applicable. See the definition of Lock-up.
Private Place Memorandum (“PPM”) – A document that outlines the terms of the real estate investment vehicle to be offered in private placements. The document ...
The partial return of an investor’s equity holdings from the Vehicle, at the investor’s request, up to a level (cap) as defined in the Vehicle Documentation.
Outstanding capital commitment also known as Unfunded Commitment, uncalled capital or remaining capital commitment represents the total unexpired capital commitment less the total ...
See definition of Outstanding Capital Commitment.
Also known as recyclable capital, returned capital that can be recalled by the investment manager, in accordance with the Vehicle Documentation. The existence of recallable capital ...
The order in which outstanding subscription requests/ incoming investment requests from potential investors are prioritised by the Investment Manager in accordance with the &n ...