Recallable Capital
Also known as recyclable capital, returned capital that can be recalled by the investment manager, in accordance with the Vehicle Documentation. The existence of recallable capital ...
Also known as recyclable capital, returned capital that can be recalled by the investment manager, in accordance with the Vehicle Documentation. The existence of recallable capital ...
The order in which outstanding subscription requests/ incoming investment requests from potential investors are prioritised by the Investment Manager in accordance with the &n ...
The order in which outstanding redemption requests/ investor requests to redeem or sell their shares or units in the investment vehicle are prioritised by the Investment Manager in ...
A vintage year of an investment vehicle may be determined by using the following two methods: 1. The year when the first committed capital agreement from outside investors is clos ...
The appreciation and depreciation for vehicle assets and liabilities due to a transaction event such as a disposition of assets or a settlement of liabilities.
The appreciation and depreciation for vehicle assets and liabilities which results from a revised fair market value prior to a transaction event such as a disposition of assets or ...
The total agreed capital an investment manager can draw down from an investor, with a specified notice as outlined in the vehicle documentation.
The fair value of the property based on the latest external or internal valuation as of the reporting date.
Nominal value of debt, or book value, which includes third party facilities or credit lines (and any drawn equity bridge), over the GAV of the vehicle.
Nominal value of debt, or book value, which includes third party facilities or credit lines (and any drawn equity bridge), over total fair value of property/ investment.